More Post-Katrina Maps

It’s been a few days since I last posted on Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Here are a few more links. Apologies for letting them accumulate.

ESRI’s Hurricane Katrina Disaster Viewer is, according to ESRI’s Lisa Kensok, who submitted this link, “designed to provide more detailed information than satellite imagery about impacted areas to responders, people affected, and the general public. You can locate an address or zoom to areas of interest and view FEMA damaged areas, U.S. Postal Service affected delivery areas, post-disaster satellite imagery, population density, street maps, and a lot more info. You can also generate demographic reports for selected areas.”

Most of the satellite image vendors have updated their Katrina pages: Digital Globe; Orbimage (including new photos of Gulfport: 1, 2); Space Imaging (via Cartography).

Before/after photo sets and post-storm photos of areas other than New Orleans may be found on the USGS’s Hurricane Katrina Impact Studies page (via and Cartography).

The University of Texas at Arlington’s library web site has a page of Katrina mapping and GIS resources; so does the always excellent Perry-Castañeda Library (via Cartography). “is a clearinghouse for as much imagery, elevation data, and geographic data that can be obtained for the Katrina-affected areas” (via All Points Blog).

Here’s a page of maps that focuses on the levee breaks and their reconstruction (via Kathryn Cramer).

This map shows the status of postal service disruptions in the area affected by Katrina; it’s updated frequently (via All Points Blog).

People are making good use of Google Maps hacks; Google Maps Mania had a roundup last week. Not a Google mashup, but a kindred spirit: this page uses a slider to show the size of the flooded area by superimposing it on a map of Boston (via O’Reilly Radar).
