Two Concepts

First, naive geography, from a 1995 paper by Max Egenhofer and David Mark:

Naive Geography captures and reflects the way people think and reason about geographic space and time, both consciously and subconsciously. Naive stands for instinctive or spontaneous.
Naive geographic reasoning is probably the most common and basic form of human intelligence. Spatio-temporal reasoning is so common in people’s daily life that one rarely notices it as a particular concept of spatial analysis. People employ such methods of spatial reasoning almost constantly to infer information about their environment, how it evolves over time, and about the consequences of changing our locations in space.

The idea is that how ordinary people perceive geography affects how easily they can use GIS applications, which in turn has implications for those applications’ design. But:

Naive Geography is neither childish nor stupid geography, nor is it the geography of ignorant or simple-minded people. It is not geography by the uneducated nor for the uneducated.

Egenhofer and Mark provide some examples of naive geographic reasoning in their paper (PDF).

Second, geospatial semantics, from Harry Chen’s blog on the subject:

Geospatial semantics is the study of how humans perceive geographical concepts in their everyday life, and how to exploit this understanding to create useful computing systems to increase our productivity. …
For example, when a wife says to a husband, “Honey! You’re driving too fast!”, the husband puts on the break and slows the car down. In this scenario, we see that what contributed to the husband’s action is a common understanding of the term “fast” and its semantic relation respect to their current context. The context of this couple includes, for example, (1) their current driving speed and (2) the legal speed limit of the road that they are travelling on. The semantic relation between these factors contributes to the slowing down of their car.

Compare and contrast. Via Slashgeo.
