Forbes Profiles ESRI

For people in the geospatial industry, ESRI is omnipresent; for people outside the industry, ESRI is scarcely on our radar, despite their dominance of the GIS software market. For those of us in the latter category, this Forbes article, profiling ESRI owner Jack Dangermond and examining how ESRI is responding to the revolution in popular computer mapping (as opposed to professional mapping), is as good a start as any. It does start from the public perspective — presupposing that we’re familiar with Google Maps, but not necessarily with the more-established ESRI, or the geospatial industry in general — which is handy. (Plenty of GIS blogs focus much of their attention on ESRI, which is something I’m woefully equipped to do, so check them out too.) Via Cartography and Slashgeo.
