Ankylose This! Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I have iritis.

I'm on eyedrops every hour.

On Monday, I had trouble focussing on the computer screen.
On Tuesday I had very blurred vision in my right eye, like looking through a fog.
Same today.

Of note is that my eye is only slightly pink in parts and at most very slightly sore.
I had been previously told (by the same opthalmologist I went to today) that if I had iritis my eye would be extremely red.

Neither the nurse practitioner nor the medical doctor who saw me at the clinic today diagnosed iritis. The doctor was able to get me into the opthal today, but (at least as she explained it to me) more because she was worried about glaucoma and they don't have a blow tester at the clinic. They did send me off with a referral letter explaining my AS, but it's not clear to me if that was more to save me the $80 eye exam fee, rather than being their main concern.

Anyway the moral of the story is: if you have AS and get sudden eye problems, try to get to see an opthal right away (I called on Tuesday for an appointment but they gave me Thursday 8:30 AM. I didn't tell them I had AS, I dunno if that would have made any difference.)

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